So last we spoke we were working on restoring her sleep pattern and this about sums it up; CIO (cry it out), wake & sleep (check previous post) and dream feeds. I think this was a good experience because I grew so tired and frustrated I just let her be to cry it out and as a result when she wakes up in the middle of the night (if she does) she no longer cries she just babbles a bit and then goes back to sleep. So I'd call this a win!
With that being said we now have a case of food refusal. She's been eating solids since she was 6 months and all of a sudden this week she's decided she's not going to eat, not even the things she loves. I've tried every thing and every combination and she might eat one meal a day and sometimes it takes trickery just to get her to eat it, again I'm frustrated and tired. I'm not sure what to do with this, a part of me feels like I should wait it out another part of me feels like I should ask her doctor and the last part of me isn't sure which way to go with any of it. She's due for her 9 month check up next week so if this continues I will definitely ask but I wish this wasn't so complicated but don't we all wish babies weren't complicated?
We're going to try a mixture that she generally loves and will eat it for days which is a puree of turkey, sweet potato, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower I pray it goes well. I plan to start doing more BLW (baby led weaning) in the weeks to come. I will definitely document what works and what didn't work to share with you all and hopefully I meet success somewhere along the way.
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