So what do we think of kids pushing and hitting kids? Also what do we think of self defense? We live an era where bullying is at an all time high and we could sit here and over analyze and say those kids grow up in troubled homes or are abused at home but that's not always the case. Some of the kids who are doing the bullying come from well balanced homes taught manners and respect never been abused or bullied and some how get their rocks off on doing it to others or think it's okay. I feel like the right to defend yourself has slowly been stripped away over time. We have states that have removed self defense as a legal defense and let's not even get started on stand your ground - YIKES!
If your kid is playing with Johnny on the playground and Johnny kicks your kid do you want your kid to run and come and tell you about it or do you want your kid to hit Johnny back? Are you afraid of the idea of your child fighting? Not me, if someone is picking on my kid I want her to defend herself and I'm aware at times that might mean she will lose but at least she defended herself but in that same breath I am aware that teenagers now-a-days are taking guns to school along with knives and anything else that's considered a weapon so I will also teach her to pick and choose her battles and to use common sense. I feel like too many kids are bullying other kids or starting little playground fights with kids and they're not being punished for their actions (I witnessed this the other day) nor are they being forced to apologize for their actions. I have a friend who is terrified to let her child be around her nieces or nephews because they're aggressive, bite and punch people including her little baby and her sister won't correct them nor is anyone else allowed to correct them. So I'm suppose to just lock my kid up the rest of the evening to hide from your kid? No! How about we tell my kid to defend herself and if your kid doesn't like it well then I guess she shouldn't put her hands on anyone.
I think more people would fear putting their hands on someone if they knew that person was going to hit them back thus creating a generations less filled with bullies and kids who go to school and shoot schools up. I'm a firm believer that a good clean fight is okay every now and then and sometimes even needed and if it's my kid doing the bullying don't worry the rules are the same.
Every person in these times has a right to defend themselves with their bare hands if that's all they have especially children, Children are being abducted and harmed every day in some of the most family friendly places or by their peers. If your child never defends his/herself your child could be the one who grows up to bomb the school. The could reach a level of frustration from being picked on that they retaliate in the worst way possible. I know this opinion might be unpopular and every parent book you've read has told you different but if you have an old timer in your family like a great grandfather or maybe just your grandfather ask him how they did things in his day. You admire his moxie and toughness for a reason, where do you think it came from?